Eurospeak began as a private English language school based in the UK which is accredited by the British Council and the Independent Schools Inspectorate (ISI). In 2021, we continued to expand and established our educational technologyfocussed spin-off, Eurospeak Ireland. Eurospeak Ireland is an educational technology company dedicated to delivering educational products and training. We deliver online English language classes tailored to the needs of individuals and groups as well as design and develop innovative educational tools such as e-courses, online assessments, and more. The English courses we provide include Business English, IELTS test preparation, and 'bootcamps' for groups with a specific purpose. Additionally, Eurospeak has a special focus on helping disadvantaged groups, whom we aim to support through our participation in Erasmus+ projects. Eurospeak promotes actions that take an innovative and creative approach to the inclusion of marginalised groups such as migrants, refugees, the unemployed, LGBT+. Eurospeak Ireland’s mission is the promotion of innovation in education, inclusive and integrated education and training. We have significant expertise in developing and conducting training programmes, both in the corporate sector and for different
disadvantaged groups.