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This project aims to provide inspiring, meaningful and engaging activities for middle and high school students, parents and teachers so they are prepared for safe participation in metaverse spaces.

METAYOUTH (Aligning youth, parents and teachers for resilient participation in Metaverses)
It is an EU Erasmus+ project that runs from November 2022 until September 2024 (24 months). The metaverse is a network of 3D spaces/worlds that host assets, avatars (virtual identities) and are immersive, hosting users that can simultaneously interact with each other and with the responsive virtual space. Nowadays, all kinds of activities are performed in metaverses (e.g. the development of virtual identities). However, 95% of people who have access to the internet daily, do not inherently possess the skills for safe and effective use of digital technologies.
Promote intergenerational alignment between students, parents and teachers in ways that they will be prepared for safe and resilient participation in metaverses.
Develop a school-oriented pedagogical approach, a structured toolkit for preparing parents, teachers and students for the metaverse, based on the DigiComp Framework and the “Digital Competence Wheel”, and on co-creation and simulated methods.
Increase cross sectoral and transnational cooperation on digital resilience and preparation for the metaverses.
Project Management
Creating a metaverse safety curriculum – for students, teachers and parens
Development of METAYOUTH Digital Platform
Preparing parents and teachers to support students in developing critical thinking and digital resilience skills through the METAYOUTH Toolkit
Dissemination and communication
Target groups
Youth between 15-19 years old, parents of students between 15-19 years old, high school teachers and practitioners, and trainers who work with youth.
Wider stakeholders (virtual worlds, digital games, metaverses), experts (academics, professionals, and employers who have specific expertise
on digital skills and development of these among young people, parents’ associations) and education centres, universities, youth organisations, ministries, local authorities, ??? at a local, regional, national and European level.
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The technological revolution is changing aspect of our lives, and the fabric of society itself. it's also changing the way we learn and what we learn. Factual knowledge is less prized when everything you ever need to know can be found on your phone. There's no imperative to be an expert at doing everything when you can.

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But I must explain to you how all this mistaken idea of denouncing pleasure and praising.